Did you know that feet make up 25% of the body’s bones, 18% of the joints and 6% of the muscles? Doing damage to any of these parts can cause serious harm to our bodies, yet our feet are often overlooked as a vital part of us and most people tend to ignore any issues regarding their feet.
When walking, our feet take 1.5 times our body weight, so it’s not surprising that they sometimes suffer from wear and tear. All the pressure and movement can not only leave our feet sore but can affect our knees, hips and back. It’s important to check-in with a podiatrist every once in a while (unless you need to go regularly) so they can examine your feet and offer you any necessary advice regarding foot care and recommended shoes.
To help prevent future issues with your feet, we have put together a list of simple foot care tips for you to try at home.

1. Wash your feet every day
Keep your feet clean by washing them with warm water and soap every day. Make sure not to soak them as you could lose some of your skin’s natural oils.
2. Dry your feet well
Dry your feet with a towel thoroughly after washing, ensuring that the area in-between the toes is completely dry as this is where a lot of fungal infections develop.
3. File and moisturise
If you have hard skin or calluses on your feet then simply file them with a pumice stone or foot file. Ensure you moisturise your feet daily too but not in-between the toes! (If you struggle to file or moisturise your feet then contact us today and one of our podiatrists can do it for you)
4. Cut your toenails carefully
Use nail clippers to trim your toenails regularly. Cut straight across rather than at an angle as this may cause ingrown toenails. (Again, a podiatrist can easily do this for you so feel free to come to one of our clinics)

5. Shoe shop in the afternoon
Your feet tend to swell up in the afternoon so it’s advised that you shop for shoes in the afternoon when your feet are at their biggest. That way, your shoes wont be too tight in the morning.
6. Limit the time you wear high heels
Wearing high heels on a regular basis can cause future damage to your feet. Try to limit the amount of time you wear them. If you wear them to work, try switching to more comfortable shoes on your way to work and then change into the heels once you are there.

7. Change your socks daily
To prevent odours, make sure you are changing your socks daily as feet can produce up to a pint of sweat per day. If your feet sweat often, change into dry socks more regularly as this can help to prevent fungal infections. Cotton, wool or bamboo socks are the best types of material to wear as they allow your feet to breathe.